Boone County Judge Rules City Of Sturgeon Did Not Follow Law In Police Chief Firing
A Boone County Judge finds the city of Sturgeon did not follow the law when it fired its police chief Greg Halderman in March of 2017.
The ruling was made by Judge Jeff Harris yesterday (Tuesday) and said the city council’s closed-door meeting that ended in Halderman’s firing did not follow proper procedure set out in Missouri state law, and in doing so violated Halderman’s due process.
A law suit was brought by Halderman after the city council voted 3-1 to terminate him, claiming he abused alcohol and behaved inappropriately toward some jail inmates.
Andy Hirth the attorney for Halderman is saying he will ask Judge Harris to reinstate the former chief to his old job, along with 20 months of back pay at a January 22nd hearing.