St. James Couple Charged With Child Abuse and Neglect
A St. James couple is facing charges of child abuse and neglect after an arrest by the Maries County Sheriff’s Department.
According to the department Cheryl “Lynn” Fales and Charles R. Fales were arrested after deputies discovered the conditions the couple allegedly made their 2 children live in.
The children told deputies they lived in a tent in the couple’s backyard, and were fed cold hot dogs for most meals.
The children also told deputies they were not allowed inside the residence, and that Cheryl Fales told them they would be treated as intruders and meet the barrel of her gun if they came inside.
A single bar of soap was used they were washed with a hose by Cheryl, and the children had to relieve themselves in the yard.
The punishment in the back yard began when the Fales’ realized the children were taking food from the refrigerator without permission, according to Maries County Sheriff’s Deputies.
The children were removed from the home on July 4th and placed into protective custody, according to online court documents both of the Fales have pleaded not guilty.