Governor Parson Delivers State of the State Address And Democrats Respond
Governor Mike Parson says the state of our state is strong.
Parson delivered his second annual State of the State address yesterday and said at 3.1 percent, the unemployment rate continues to remain at historic lows, and has been below the national unemployment rate for 40 consecutive months and Missouri ranks 7th in the nation for small business wage growth.
The Governor also unveiled his 3.1 billion dollar budget proposal.
Missouri Democrats held a news conference in the house following the address.
House minority leader Crystal Quade said Governor Parson tried to create the impression he had become a unifying leader we had hoped he would be, but after 18 months Missourians know exactly what to expect from our accidental governor, it is that he will not put their interests first.
Quade went on to say they have not seen proposals that are showing any change regarding gun violence across the state of Missouri.