Missouri Voters Have More Options for Both August Fourth and November Third Elections
More voting options are available in Missouri for both the August 4th and November 3rd elections.
The expanded options are available to registered voters after Governor Mike Parson signed Senate Bill 631, which allows voters to submit absentee ballots if they have COVID-19 or are at risk for contracting the virus.
The bill also allows voters to request mail-in ballots.
The deadline to register to vote in Missouri’s August primary is 5pm tonight (Wednesday).
Online registration is available at www.sos.mo.gov.
Along with the provisions related to COVID-19 SB 631 allows mail-in ballots for the first time for any registered voter in Missouri.
However, all mail-in ballots will have to be notarized.
The deadline to apply for both absentee and mail-in ballots for the August primaries is 5pm, July 22nd.