City of Vandalia May Soon Contract Police Services to Audrain County Sheriff’s Department
The City of Vandalia may soon be turning over police services to the Audrain County Sheriff’s Department.
Vandalia city administrator Darren Berry says in an interview today that a contract for the city council to consider is for the most part completed and will be presented at their next meeting scheduled for Tuesday, August 11th.
Berry says it has been a struggle to keep police officers in the past 5 years, 40 officers have come and gone through the Vandalia Police Department.
Berry says there are currently only 4 officers working full time and a few working part time.
If approved the city’s police vehicles and equipment would likely be absorbed into the Audrain County Sheriff’s Department, and the current police station would be used as a satellite office.
Audrain County Sheriff Matt Oller says if the contract gets approval there would be at least 1 Sheriff’s Deputy assigned to Vandalia 24/7, and sometimes more than one.