Some Missouri Colleges Get Funding to be More Career-Ready

Nearly two dozen postsecondary education institutions in Missouri are splitting twenty million dollars to improve career training.

Governor Parson made the announcement yesterday that the Private MoExcels and Agriculture Innovation & Workforce grant programs would provide high-demand career training for new and underrepresented populations and address the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on agriculture and supply chains.

The University of Missouri is getting $2 million for the National Center for Applied Reproduction and Genomics and Central Methodist University will get $175,000 for a health care professionals program.

In Fulton, Westminster College will be able to bolster Westminster Online with the nearly half million dollars they receive and William Woods will use their more than quarter million dollars to implement Project CLEAR, Creating Leadership & Entrepreneurship Action & Response.

Funding was provided by the American Rescue Plan Act and was in the governor’s proposed 2023 fiscal year budget.

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