Trash Collection to Cost Mexico Residents More Beginning April 1

The Mexico City Council approves a number of resolutions at tonight’s meeting.

Residential trash base rates will go up effective April 1st.

The base rate will rise roughly 2.5% from $12.95 last year to $13.27 this year with a fuel cost adjusted rate cap of $14.20 per account per year.

The council also approved the sale of a little more than 8 acres of land adjacent to the Missouri Plant Science Center to Tiger Soy LLC to allow them to expand their business.

Purchase price for the acreage is just over $61,000.

The Missouri Plant Science Center Board of Directors approved the sale of the Center to Tiger Soy LLC in November of 2022 with a closing date set for early March.

Sidewalks along Muldrow between Quisenberry and Buchanan are being replaced thanks to a MoDOT Transportation Alternatives Program Grant, but the design work is up to the city to pay for.

The council approved using Great River Associates, Inc. for the work, estimated to cost $29,000 of the $242,000 the city has set aside as their part of the match for the grant.

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