Mexico Board of Education Meets In Regular Session

The Mexico School Board approves personnel including a new Assistant Principal for Mexico High and Middle School and a new Special Education Director at tonight’s (Tuesday’s) board meeting.

Kyle Louder will replace retiring Assistant Principal Tim Schoonover at MMS while Jennifer Caine will be a new Assistant Principal at MHS after those duties were separated from those of the Activities Director.

Melissa Deimeke is coming to Mexico from Van-Far to be the new Special Education Director.

In other business, the board approved the updated Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan.

While there were no changes to the plan, the adoption was a matter of housekeeping and will continue to be updated through September.

The board also heard from a patron detailing issues with parking along East Anderson during student pickup times at McMillan Early Learning Center where vehicles block residential driveways.

The concern is that in the event of a medical or other emergency, personnel cannot easily get into a driveway to render aid.

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