Mexico/Fulton Hospitals Bankruptcy Hearing Update

Ziva Medical will have to wait longer to see what happens in bankruptcy court concerning two mid-Missouri hospitals after a hearing on Tuesday, September 20th, 2023.

The bankruptcy is for Noble Real Estate I, LLC which owns Callaway Hospital and Noble Real Estate II, LLC which owns the Audrain Hospital and clinics in Montgomery and Ralls County.

The owner of Noble Real Estate II is Pasture Medical LLC.

Some objections were filed by Audrain County in regards to the proposed date that interest accrues on unpaid real estate taxes of over five hundred thousand dollars and the lack of information concerning the sources for funding the reorganization plan.

According to a docket filing the bankruptcy judge ordered an amended disclosure to a reorganization and reopening plan by October 2nd.

Amanda Shurtz the CEO of Ziva Medical said the hope is to have the hospital in Mexico back open sometime next year, to do that they would need to acquire a Certificate of Need.

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