Mexico City Council Meets

Mexico City Council Meets

The Mexico City Council approves an ordinance to accept a regional bridge program grant to allow for the replacement of the Pollock Road bridge at tonight’s (Monday’s) meeting.

The funds from the Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission will replace the bridge that is at the top of the city’s list of bridges needing replaced.

The estimate for costs of replacement are one million two hundred ninety five thousand dollars with the city’s cost just under one hundred sixty thousand dollars or 12.3 percent.

Under the state’s previous bridge program, the city would have paid an additional one hundred thousand dollars or 20 percent of the total cost.

The project isn’t expected to begin until the next fiscal year.

The council also accepted a traffic improvement study grant for South Clark between Teal Lake Road and Pearl Motor Company with the city paying three thousand dollars for the study.

The consultant that the city contracts with will study traffic flow patterns and make recommendations for improvements.

In other council business, they approved purchasing three new Dodge Chargers for Mexico Public Safety, a pickup for the Street Department, and a hydro-excavation trailer for the Street Department to use in locating buried infrastructure with minimal disruption to the surrounding terrain.

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