Public Hearing Set For Grain Belt Express Project

Public Hearing Set For Grain Belt Express Project

The Missouri Public Service Commission is setting a date for a public hearing related to the Grain Belt Express project.

In their application, Grain Belt is asking for approval to relocate the Missouri converter station to Monroe County from Ralls County, increase the capacity of the converter station from 500 megawatts to 2,500 megawatts, and relocate the Tiger Connector AC connecting line from Ralls County to Monroe, Audrain, and Callaway Counties.

The Tiger Connector will extend roughly 40 miles from the converter station in Monroe County south through Audrain and end at the McCredie Substation in Callaway County.

The hearing in Mexico is scheduled for March 7 at the Elks Lodge, 1705 Christopher Road at Noon.

Two virtual hearings are also scheduled, the first on March 6th at 6:00 in the evening, the other on March 8th at Noon.

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